Methods for Testing Operating Characteristics of Nanomaterials

The overall aim of the course is to provide students with methods for testing the performance characteristics of bulk materials and nanomaterials and learn to operate the modern equipment used for these purposes: corrosion properties, thermal properties. The course realizes by blended learning: e-course involves lectures, reading, assessments, projects, multimedia (video), teamwork, case studies, demonstrations, student-led discussions; faceto-face course involves labs, assessments of Practical skills, teamwork, demonstrations, and discussions

Course structure

Methods for Testing Operating Characteristics of Nanomaterials

Master Programme 

 22.04.01 « Materials science and technologies of materials» 

Semester 3
Contact hours / Non-contact hours / Credit rating 72/168/6



School of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

Division for Materials Science


Assistant professor Galina V. Lyamina

Сontact information
Galina V. Lyamina E-Mail:

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