Training in English (workshop on business planning)

The overall aim of the courses to develop professionally-centered foreign language (FL) communicative competency by means of blended learning and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching materials. FL communicative competency is the basis to integrate specialists into the international professional environment as well as to encourage their professional mobility and competitiveness.

The learning aim of the course is to achieve the level of professionally-centered FL communicative competency that is sufficient for practical use of a foreign language in the future professional activity in the field of economics and management (analysis and construction of business processes, entrepreneurship production, marketing, finance, personnel, innovation, and decision-making).

The development aim of the course is to evolve cognitive and research skills required conducting interdisciplinary research, organizational and management activities, self-study and continuous professional development.

  1. Evaluation of entrepreneurial skills.
  2. Selection and evaluation of business ideas. Micro- and macro selection. SWOT analysis.
  3. Marketing plan. Product Description. Information program for market analysis.
  4. Selection and evaluation of business ideas. Micro- and macro selection. SWOT analysis.
  5. Marketing plan. Methods for determining market capacity
  6. Production plan. Cost’s calculation.
  7. Plan of organization and management. Management functions. What a manager should know, be able and have
  8. Plan of organization and management. «Golden rules» of delegation of authority. Selection of the structure of the enterprise. Calculation of costs for office equipment.
  9. Financial plan. Project cost. Loan repayment schedule. Profits and Losses Report. Calculation of break-even point. Evaluation of investment efficiency.
  10. Investment project and its evaluation
  11. Macro- and microeconomic economic fundamentals of investment
  12. External business environment
professionally-centered FL, communicative competency, English for Specific Purposes, management, project
Дисциплина, в которых используется данный курс  Training in English (workshop on business planning)
ООП 38.03.02 Management
Уровень обучения bachelor
Семестр 7
Количество часов
(Всего / Аудиторные / СРС [кредиты])
Подразделение разработчик ЭОР Институт - Humanities and Social Technologies
Кафедра - Engineering Entrepreneurship
Разработчики ЭОР

ФИО, должность, институт, кафедра
Sofya L. Eremina, Professor, Humanities and Social Technologies, Engineering Entrepreneurship

(если в курс входят ВЛР или ВЛ, то в разработчиках указывать создателей этих ресурсов)

ФИО Должность Телефон e-Mail
Sofya L. Eremina, Professor, 8-382-2-56-35-29,,

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