Earth Health and Environmental Risk Assessment

The overall aim of the course is to meet master students with basics of the health and environmental risk assessment. The course will be focused on the assessment of risks connected with natural water pollution and its consumption.

The learning aims of the course are to give ideas of the main environmental pollution factors and sources, and methods of pollutant identification, to develop the ability to conduct health and environmental risk assessment, to self-confidently define objectives of health and environmental risk assessment. Health and environmental risk assessment is important for natural resources management including land management, because all components of the Environment are strongly connected, thus land management is closely related with water recourses management.

The other learning aim of the course is to achieve the level of professionally-centered foreign language (FL) communicative competency by means of blended learning that is sufficient for practical use of a foreign language in the future professional activity in the area of health and environmental risk assessment. FL communicative competency is the basis to integrate specialists into the international professional environment as well as to encourage their professional mobility and competitiveness.

The development aim of the course is to evolve cognitive and research skills required conducting interdisciplinary research, organizational and management activities, self-study and continuous professional development.


Introduction to environmental pollution. Water pollution.

Methods of analysis of water chemical composition.

Environmental risk assessment.

Health risk assessment.

Water quality, health risk, environmental risk, ecology, pollution.
Дисциплина (ы) ,
в которых используется данный курс
Профессиональная подготовка на английском языке
ООП 21.04.02 Землеустройство и кадастры
Уровень обучения Магистратура
Семестр 2
Количество часов
(Всего / Аудиторные / СРС [кредиты])
108 / 32 / 76 [3]
Подразделение разработчик ЭОР Институт природных ресурсов
Кафедра гидрогеологии, инженерной геологии и гидрогеоэкологии
Разработчики ЭОР

Солдатова Евгения Александровна, доцент, Институт природных ресурсов, кафедра гидрогеологии, инженерной геологии и гидрогеоэкологии


Солдатова Евгения Александровна, доцент

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