Effects of Hydrogen on Materials: Metals and Alloys

About this course

The course "Effects of Hydrogen on Materials: Metals and Alloys" is aimed at training specialists able to master the technology of hydrogen production, including for carbon-free energy, hydrogen storage and distribution technologies, basic electrochemical principles for the realization of hydrogen fuel cells, and the basis for designing fuel cells. 

This course is devoted to the processes of interaction of hydrogen with materials, hydrogen embrittlement of materials, hydrogen storage materials, hydrogen defects, methods of studying metal-hydrogen systems.

Learning outcomes

Students after studying this course will be able to:
1. identify promising research fields within the specialization, modify up-to-date and develop novel research methods in relation to specific research objectives;
2. use profound knowledge in the natural sciences, modern concepts and limitations of the natural sciences, apply the fundamental knowledge of the sections of general and theoretical physics, mathematics to create models and solve typical professional problems, use a foreign language for professional purposes;
3. conduct scientific theoretical and experimental research in the fields of: materials science, atomic and nuclear physics, hydrogen energy, use a modern instrument base with specialized knowledge of physics and other mastered core disciplines;
4. apply in practice the professional knowledge of the theory and methods of physical research, as well as professional knowledge and skills for conducting physical research in innovative fields of science, using modern methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of information;
5. organize self-paced studies;
6. enter and sustain a discussion on general specific problems and select a research method for solving a specific problem in physics;
7. possess and use advanced spoken and written communication skills in professional field.

Educational program

Master degree program within 03.04.02 Physics. Programme name - Condensed matter physics.

Course program

Section 1. Hydrogen basics.
Section 2. Stimulated output of hydrogen. 
Section 3. Hydrogen diffusion and atomic-hydrogen energetics.

Course duration, quantitative characteristics, examination form

Duration of the course is 16 weeks; 108 hours to complete the course. The complexity of the course is 3 credits.
Examination form: Final test, diff. aptitude test.

Course author

Tyurin Yuri Ivanovich (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor) and Kudiyarov Victor Nikolaevich (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor)

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